Mothers Circles & Events
Connecting with women & mothers
Mothers Circles are a safe space to sit in a sacred circle with women on a similar path or life stage to you. This space helps you to feel listened to and witnessed in your motherhood without advice, judgement or any fixing. You can choose to speak or choose to sit quietly and listen. The important thing is that there is no pressure to be anything other than ‘you’ in that moment of space and time.
Deeper connection
With a focus on slowing down, connecting deeply in a safe environment and incorporating moments of mindfulness and rest, mothers can feel more connected and aligned to themselves. It is also a place to start making connections with other like-minded women. If you are seeking further connection at a deeper level than you find in local mother’s groups and playgroups, Mama Circle is for you.
I offer Mothers Circles locally on the Central Coast NSW (currently on hold) and online.
Conscious and Connected Parenting Workshops
Conscious and connected parenting workshops are available during the year. Similar to our approach to parent coaching, we reflect on life within parenting. We discuss your experiences in childhood, who and what shaped you and also work on what challenges you as a parent and why.
Working together, we look at tools and techniques that can work for you and your family and provide ways to hold yourself in the moment and become a more aware and present parent for your children, listening with empathy and navigating difficult emotions.
Please contact me for details.